What was it that I said last Monday? Something about a retreat? Well, in some ways it has been like that and in other ways it hasn’t.
It’s been a busy few days, that’s for sure. There hasn’t been any lolling around. I’ve been busy every minute. At the moment I’m sick. When Bill went off to New York he took his blasted cold with him. I thought I was safe. Hah!! I took care of myself, took Chinese herbs, got plenty of sleep and ate healthy foods. I was feeling great until yesterday morning when I woke up with a head that felt like it was filled with concrete. My nose dripped like a faucet that hasn’t been properly shut off and I have not one scrap of energy.
I didn’t go to yoga. But with an ice storm on its way, I did hurry to the grocery to stock up the pantry. I bought fruit, deli quinoa salad, greens. Two small almond cookies went home with me. But I turned my back on the dark chocolate and those almond croissants I adore. I’m suffering now.
Besides doing some writing, I’ve mostly been going through one of the boxes of old journals I’ve kept. It’s been interesting and is helping me to get life events in order for my memoir writing. Many of my entries are boring lists of what I was doing from day-to-day. But there is meaty material as well. I’m so glad I didn’t burn those ratty looking notebooks. I threatened I do just that during the last move. But Lisa, my daughter, came to their rescue, saying, “Don’t you dare.” So their lives were spared.
Just last week I discovered a range of inexpensive lenses made for the Iphone camera. (I think they’ll fit most cell phones.) They came yesterday and this morning I’ve had fun, trying them all out. There is a macro/wide-angle lens, a fish-eye and a telephoto lens as well. The instructions say to place the small, magnetic metal ring (provided) around the lens on the phone. It has an adhesive on one side that is supposed to keep it stuck to the phone. But it didn’t stick to the glass the Iphone is made of and came off with the lens I was using every time I wanted to change it. So I stuck it on the phone case instead and that did the trick. You simply place the lens on the ring and it is held in place by the magnet. What fun!!
I have been head-over-heals in love with my Iphone camera. It is amazingly as good as the fancy Mamiya I used for my work in fine art photography. The only problem is stability and when you get to be my age and have a bit of a tremor, it’s a problem. But with practice I’m hoping that will improve. I’m very excited since I still love to do some photography but am well past wanting to lug around a tripod and a bag filled with heavy, expensive lenses. I can tuck these cute, tiny things in a pocket or my purse and be prepared to capture an interesting moment that I might want to use on this blog.
All in all this has been a great mini-retreat. I’ve enjoyed everything but being sick. And a few days after Bill left, I remembered that I had to do his chores as well as my own. I’d forgotten to clean out the litter pans and with three cats choosing to use the same pan, even when there is one for each one of them, it gets problematic if you forget.
Another problem is that there are only a given number of hours in each day. I must have dreamed that when you are on retreat you get a few extra hours each day.