51 Years And Counting

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IMG_0386 (1) This past Sunday Bill and I celebrated our 51st year of marriage … “for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health.” It’s the bit about “till death do us part,” that makes each year we have together more precious than the last. In November I will turn seventy-four and three days later, Bill will turn seventy-seven. We’re still young, but these days we give much thought to aging as we discover we can’t do all of things we used to. Getting up off the floor after yoga class isn’t graceful anymore. Bill’s knee replacement in January was successful but it still doesn’t work the way the old one did before it gave out. And now a shoulder is giving him trouble.

Over the past few years we’ve noticed that friends have become incapacitated with body parts that no longer work. Terminal illnesses take others. So far we have been blessed, marching on together on our own chosen paths, yet watching each other carefully for any missteps. We do our best to live and celebrate each other and every moment we have together.

I used to complain and wish time away. It was either too hot, too cold, too rainy, or too sunny. I wasn’t happy with what the way things were going. My most used phrases were, “If only ______,” and  “When ______ , then I’ll _____.” Now I want it to stop time from moving so quickly.

We have entered the autumn years of our lives and it’s time to slow down, rather than rush around, like thirty-year-olds with under-the-gun missions to accomplish. We still have many thing we want to do and lots goals to reach for, but it’s a relief to live without that kind of pressure. Being of “a certain age” is wonderful in that we can use the difficult lessons we learned as youngsters, and see more clearly with our inner eyes and hearts. We appreciate the abundance of love and peace that we immerse ourselves in, and do our best to live one moment at a time.

Happy Anniversary to us and all of you who are still in our lives
and continue to join us on this huge, mysterious adventure!


  1. Patti Stark says:

    Wonderfully written for us as well as you – Congratulations on your anniversary and birthdays – Much love to both of you – Patti

  2. OK, so I did the math AGAIN, and by garry you’re RIGHT. I really AM still 76. All year long I’ve been reporting I’m in my 78th year. Lost a full year there, along with a few brain synapses. Delighted to have ’em all back. Look out, world!
    Love you!

    • Joan Rough says:

      I love you right back and next time just ask me and I’ll tell you how old you are!! 🙂

  3. What a beautiful testimony to the power of positive thinking and a healthy perspective, Joan. You certainly do have “a way with words” that resonates. Happy Anniversary to both of you. Love and Hugs, Kathy

    • Joan Rough says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Kathy. The only way through life in my mind is by being positive. Although sometimes I do forget before I remember!

  4. What a great description of the wisdom of the Jubilacion years! Nonresistance to the inevitable is a good way to live. Every day is precious. May you both have many more.

    • Joan Rough says:

      Shirley, I just found your comment mixed in with the junk comments. I don’t know why it didn’t come up here. But here it is and thank you so much for your kind words. We can not do anything about the big changes that happen to us, so to resist is make for more suffering!

  5. Joan — I love (absolutely love!) this:

    “So far we have been blessed, marching on together on our own chosen paths, yet watching each other carefully for any missteps. We do our best to live and celebrate each other and every moment we have together.”

    yes, Yes, YES!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more!

  7. Yes, as one ages, one learns the unequalled value of life. As hubby and I approach 70, we are determined to value each day and each moment. It is a long time since we passed the halfway point of our lives and are much closer now to the end. Make the moments count is a valuable point to make.
    Congratulations on your lives together and your determination to “appreciate the abundance of love and peace that we immerse ourselves in, and do our best to live one moment at a time.”

    • Linda, Sounds like you and yours are in the same place we are. Treasure every moment and make them the best you can is the secret. Thanks so much for your response.

  8. Joan, did you see my comment yesterday?