One Day At A Time

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Lily having a cat nap. I may join her!

Today is the beginning of my weeklong retreat right here in my house.  Bill ships out in the morning for one of his “New York Theatre Binges.”  He is a theatre man, through and through.  He acts, he directs, he writes plays and teaches about most of the above.  His binges entail going up to the Big Apple and seeing as many On, Off, and Off-Off Broadway shows he can fit in during four or five days.  On matinee days he sees two.  On days when there are no matinees, he’ll also take in a movie or two … mostly Independent films that will likely never make it to Charlottesville.  He has five days this time. There will be a host of people waiting to hear his opinions about what he saw on his blog, View in the Dark, which he only seems to keep up with after one of his treks to the big city.

I don’t join him on these binges because I don’t like to spend my days sitting in dark rooms, no matter how good the play.  When I do go with him it’s a different trip entirely.  If the weather is nice and warm they we will take a trip to Central Park to just sit and watch people living their real-life dramas … walking their dogs, rushing, arguing, playing soccer or baseball.  We will see a number of plays and movies, but we’ll also go to at least one art museum or gallery.  I like to just ride the bus sometimes and watch the city unfold from my window seat. We might visit Ellis Island or some other place of interest.  We always eat extremely well, having a big meal at noon and snacking in the evening.  It’s lots of fun and I love going with him, just not in January, when cold winds whistle through New York’s grand canyons.

So it’s here I’ll stay this time to look after myself, the cats and the dog.  I’ve not got much planned.  I will pretend I am not here, I will write, I will read, I will eat well and I will exercise.  I have no appointments and can do whatever I want to do, whenever I want, without worrying about anyone else. I will miss my man very much, but these little mini-breaks from each other are what I swear keeps our marriage so delicious.  He’ll get the same kind of break at the end of this month when I go off to visit a friend in Florida for a week.  We both love our at-home-alone times.

Even though Bill is still here, I’ve already started doing my own thing.  I’m sitting here in damp sweats having exercised and stretched.  It’s almost noon and it feels good to not have to be anywhere.  I love to let the day unfold before me without a long list of places to be and things that must get done. Last week I started cleaning up the clutter on my desk and there is only one stack of papers left to go through.  Maybe this afternoon, maybe not.  One breath, one day at a time.


  1. Contentment! And we can never forget “one day at a time”!

  2. You are soooo right!!

  3. cindy moneta says:

    Reading your blog inspired me to a most delightful afternoon of writing. My first response to your post went something like this:
    No longer rendered miserable by the gnaw of catholic guilt, I have a guilty pleasure to confess. I have arrived at a lifecycle that greets me each day with the possibility of unlimited boundaries. I am free to inhabit any or every day in that glorious and sacred space of retreat. Such a gift is recognized as I offer daily service and praise and gratitude.

    Your post reminded me also of the now familiar stirrings of jealousy I try to control.
    My heart, my core, my center overflow with untapped love and potential
    I would gladly replace some boundles retreat days with those days shared with my beloved .
    Thanks for the reminder Joan and for the inspiration to write today
    Deep Peace 2U

  4. Cindy,

    How wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for your words. If I can inspire one person with each post I write, I figure I’m doing my job.

    Sending Love, Peace and Wonderful Days to you!!

  5. Great ending phrase

  6. Thanks for stopping by and your very kind words. And do come again.

  7. Brenda Neil says:

    Enjoy your retreat! It sounds incredibly relaxing and healing.


  8. Oh, how I love such retreats and only wish they happened more often, but only temporary ones, for sure. Enjoy each second and write your heart out!

  9. Thank you Sharon! I love retreats too but like you for only a short periods of time. If I could fit in a four or five day break once in each season, I’d be more than happy!

  10. How wonderful! I’m planning to do the same next week when my man leaves town for 5 days on business. If work presses in after 3 days sick on the couch, that’s fine… I’ll have my evenings to reflect and dream!

  11. Enjoy it! Bill left his nasty cold behind and I’ve got it. Not what I want but it is nice just laying about. Good reading time!

  12. Your husband’s theater treks remind me of my friend Pat who loves to do the same thing. She was a drama teacher for years, and in her “retirement” has decided to start a community theater group. She’s having a ball 🙂

    It is good to have some time apart from our mates ~ it really does make the heart grow fonder 🙂