Writing And Life

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DSCF0588“Some writers … Charles Dickens was one … write seven or eight hours a day.  I’ve done this a few times in my life but haven’t liked it at all.  For me, there’s too much else I need and want to do.  Knitting sweaters.  Reading cookbooks.  Baking biscotti and bread.  Walking. Taking long hot baths.  Sitting and staring at the trees, sky, and clouds.  (But not cleaning out closets.  Or organizing my drawers.  Or ironing.)  For me, writing is an important, essential part of my life, but it is not my whole life.  Most everything we do finds its way into our work somehow.  And even makes us better writers.”

Louise DeSalvo, Writing As A Way Of Healing.


  1. That is so true and something I need to remember.

  2. Cool site. I really like your photo. It’s awfully rare to see someone write with a pen these days!

  3. What a lovely selection, Joan. A really, really sweet reminder. Thank you!

  4. Whenever I hear (or usually read!) people saying ‘I live to write’ I just think how terribly sad. x

  5. I agree. There are too many things for me to get excited about!

  6. I think you have to live life before you can write about it – and for me that means having conversations and walking and reading and cooking and playing music…