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DSCF0627“Is reading silent in any sensible understanding of that word? Does it deepen the silence around us or break it up? When we read are we listening to the author, conversing with the author, or are we looking more directly into the author’s mind, seeing the author’s thoughts, rather than hearing her voice? How might one define silence in relation to the written, as opposed to the spoken, word?”

Sara Maitland



  2. Not silent for me, I hear speech and rarely ‘read’ my eyes kind of switch off and i just see and watch the story unfold in colourful pictures… cant really call that silence!

    • Thanks for your reply, Sacha. I hear myself saying the words as I read, stopping to appreciate words that feel great as they slip over my tongue.

  3. I hear the voices and stop and pause feeling the effect of them wash over me. Like Sacha, I read in the same way. Great quote.