Keeping Christmas

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Keeping Christmas

No mistletoe  snowmen  tree
with twinkly lights  angel
guarding us from the top
instead poinsettias  a boxwood
wreath on the door  the aroma
of pierogis stuffed with sauerkraut
mushrooms and garlic
almond cookies dusted with sugar
hearts brimming with Christmas
present  past  glad tidings
for the new year

A slow rain pocks the river  drips
from the eaves  the roof slippery
for reindeer  our stockings lie
on the floor next to the jeans we wore
walking through the woods  watching
for woodpeckers  winter wrens
the chatter of tiny feathered creatures
filled the air like carols sung
by a multitude of  heavenly hosts

Yesterday we delivered gifts
of homemade cookies to aging cousins
friends in the city  thankful
for their presence  remembering
losses suffered by so many who
will keep Christmas alone this year


To each and every one of you, I send wishes for a holiday season filled with cheer and a New Year overflowing with promise!