I’m back again after a wonderful week away from the stuff of home. I had planned on writing and continuing my exercise routine, but that didn’t happen!! Sometimes it is very necessary to just sit back, relax and ride the river of life. It was great fun. I took part in and thoroughly enjoyed one of Lisa’s Dream Wheel workshops, read, visited with friends, napped, ate too well, saw two good movies (Beginners and Submarine), played Parchese, watched as Zoe and Noah had a swimming lesson. They spent one night with us and we had a great time reading tales of Brer Rabbit, together, each one of us enacting a different character. I loved being hugged, kissed and adored by my grandkids. We laughed lots and enjoyed the cool mountain air of Western North Carolina. While it was over 100 degrees and humid here at home, it was in the upper 80’s and much drier in the mountains. On the drive home yesterday, I was well aware of how altitude keeps us cooler.
The only down part was watching the debacle of our law makers playing, Let’s Make A Deal. I found the following quote in my mail box today and thought of them. And that’s being polite about how I feel.
Mindlessness, however petty, is reckless at its heart. It only postpones; it never takes us anywhere. Mindfulness, by contrast, is patient, careful. It takes a longer view.
Joan Duncan Oliver