It’s really interesting how things change when you let go of nasty old habits.
As most of you know I decided to quit Facebook because of the site’s political activity that I was addicted to. I was anxious, depressed, and feeling hopeless. I was using up lots of time reading, commenting, and sharing everything I felt everyone needed to know about our country’s situation. I had little time to do anything else, especially things I’ve always loved to do like taking walks, reading, and writing.
My first step was to take both the Facebook and Twitter apps off my iPhone. Instead of checking them out at every stop light on my way to an appointment, I found myself a safer driver. Now I turn on my phone only to find out what time it is or to see if there are any emails I need to respond to quickly. In waiting rooms I now thumb through magazines or better yet, simply close my eyes and meditate.
I then decided to make it official and get rid of any connection with Facebook altogether by closing my account except for my Author Page. I clicked all the buttons to make it go away. But it didn’t disappear. I thought that maybe it would take time to close an account and that it would happen next week or next month. It’s still with me though. and I’ve come to the conclusion that I didn’t click on the correct buttons.
The interesting thing is that checking in on Facebook every couple of days has become fun. It’s a great way to see what’s going on with my kids and grandkids. By staying away from social media I’ve gained so much time, that it’s incomprehensable. I can’t imagine why I’ve hung on for so long.
I now have plenty of time to read, take cat naps, and simply stare into space which is something that is a necessity in my life. It’s in that almost empty space that new ideas come to me and I’m able to make thoughtful decisions.
We had our first snowfall of the season this past Saturday. I took most of the day to watch large, fluffy flakes cover the ground. The weather forecasts were extremely amusing. At first we were supposed to have a dusting. Then it was 3 to 4 inches. In the end we got 10 Inches.
There’s a gorgeous winter wonderland out there. The birdfeeders are alive with activity, and the chaos of hungry birds seems to be unending. There are our resident Bluebirds, Carolina Wrens, Finches, Sparrows, and Juncos. New to the feeders this year are Chickadees and a few Cardinals.
By letting go of a bad habit and getting myself out of that old Facebook trap, I’m more mindful and happy to be back in the world that lives just outside my kitchen windows.
Have you let go of any time sucking habits lately? Was it worth it? I’d love to hear how you did it and what you’ve gained.