Cleansing Body, Heart and Soul

IMG_1331Have you ever noticed that when you clean out a closet and take a few pieces of clothing to the Salvation Army that you feel good?

You may feel lighter and that you’ve done a good deed. The same thing happens for me when I clear my desk of all the papers that have been building up over the last few months. Some of those papers go in the trash. Others will be filed away. My energy level goes up and I feel my shoulders relax. I’m at ease.

For the past six months my studio/office has gone to hell. Often feeling overwhelmed by the things on my todo list, I let everything else pile up. The higher the pile gets, the deeper the pit in my stomach grows. My shoulders rise to the level of my ears and begin to hurt.

I’ve grown tired of looking at the stack of books I’ve read and want to review, the bits and pieces of paper with notes written on them that I no longer understand, and the many hardcopies of my memoir that keeps changing even when I think I’m done.

I can’t decide whether it’s best to keep all those paper copies or send them through the shredder. I’ve been saving them just in case I need to go back and reconsider a passage that I’ve deleted in the current revision. I do have all of it backed up on my computer and its connected storage gadget, as well as on Bill’s computer. Do I need all these copies? My studio is over my garage, a separate building from my house. The catastrophizer part of me says:

IMG_1335“God forbid the whole internet goes down or there is a fire and both buildings burn. Isn’t it a good idea to have a few paper copies, as well as all the digital backups? Should I put a hardcopy of the memoir in a strongbox and bury it somewhere in the garden just in case both buildings burn?” I tell myself, “Give me break,” then continue to let things pile up, secretly wishing for a fire to burn it all up so I can relax. 🙂

The new year is before me and I have about a week before I start working with my new editor. I desperately need to clean up of the studio so that I can work more efficiently.

Clearing my space will equal a cleansing of my heart and soul. I will know where everything is. My physical body will walk upright, rather than stooped under the weight of the “stuff” I’m saving. My energy level will rev up, all my worries will fade, and my next revision will be even better than the last. Holding this space for my work, is the best thing that I can do for myself, the manuscript, and it will keep my muse from taking a vacation.

IMG_1336So far I’ve got a bag of books that will go to the local library for their used book sale in the spring. My desk where I sit writing now, is cleared of unnecessary papers and even my computer desk top is looking spacious. I’m sorting through the pile of papers that either need trashing or filing. There is now only one of receipts and such, that need to be filed away. And I’ve already made several trips to the garbage can with stuff that I don’t need.

I feel great.

The next cleansing I’ll do is a 10 day sugar detox. I did a 21 day sugar detox last April, lost 18 pounds and felt terrific. I’ve done really well until late fall and the arrival of the holidays. I not only started eating sugary things again, I felt deprived and started eating things made from wheat, which I’m supposed to stay away from because I have an intolerance to gluten. Thankfully, I’ve only gained four pounds back which I feel I can get rid of easily.

But while I was busy satisfying my sweet tooth and eating yummy home made bread, I felt sick. Brain fog and exhaustion took over. Once I caught on to what was happeningand stopped eating that crap, it took four days to feel better.  I’m now off gluten again and most sugar. My energy levels are up again and my brain is thinking clearly. The 10 day detox, coming up next week, will be a time of getting rid of all the residual toxins that are still causing cravings.

When that’s done I’ll be good as new and will most likely begin letting piles of stuff grow again. This time around I hope I’ll do something about all that stuff before I need a fire to clean the place up.

What are your ways of cleansing your, body, heart and soul? I’d love to hear about them!