Marching, Listening, With Love

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Due to a severe crowd phobia and legs that are unable to support me for hours on end, I did not march in Washington or Charlottesville last Saturday. I did however march through my neighborhood to honor all of my friends and relatives who went to towns and cities around the world to let their voices be heard. My spirit walked beside those who marched for unity, love, equality, truth, freedom, and non-duality. My spirit walked beside those suffering from war, poverty, hatred, hunger, disrespect, and for those who can not see. I walked and prayed to end the idea of the the good versus the bad, Republicans versus Democrats, men versus women, and those who hate because not everyone is on their side.

I am disturbed by the idea of the “Other.” Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, white, brown, black, yellow, straight, gay, trans, rich, poor, pro-lifers, pro-choicers, male, female. We really are all one. I’ve watched polarity and negativity growing on Facebook, Twitter, and on the streets, among those who had at one time seemed to be united in their cause. For months fear and hysteria have gripped our nation. I was there along with everyone else.

Now that the deed has been done, and Donald Trump is the new president, we’re still breathing, we’re still alive, and we still live in the best country on earth, on the bluest, most sparkly planet in the Universe. That, however, does not mean that all will be well. Climate change will still happen, some people will still hate one another, many will continue to worship money, and few of us will agree with everyone else all of the time.

There is a huge amount of work to be done. Being kind, taking care of ourselves as well as those who stand next to us, speaking out, making phone calls, signing petitions, and writing letters are some of the things we can do.

Since seeing the turnout on Saturday, I feel better about the future of our country. I will work to respect everyone’s individuality and belief systems. I will work to look beyond my own prejudices and look at what is best for all of us. I will work at being loving and kind even when I don’t see eye-to-eye with those around me.



  1. I think those of us who did march felt the support coming from all over the world–from those who were there in spirit. There is still much work to be done.

  2. Joan Rough says:

    You’re right, Merril. Every time I turn the radio or tv on I’m reminded about that. But I do think more people are aware now of what is happening. Though I heard from a friend yesterday who told me about a friend who wanted to know what the march was all about.

  3. Joan — I concur with your sentiment: “Since seeing the turnout on Saturday, I feel better about the future of our country.” And it wasn’t just in Washington DC, there were humungous turnouts everywhere. My husband marched in Boise. My sister (on vacation) marched in Maui. And that doesn’t include the people who were “there in spirit” as Merril said.


  4. We can all support this movement towards wholeness and peace in our own way. Thank you for sharing your support and inspiration Joan!

    • Joan Rough says:

      Thanks, Val. We can all do something and no matter what it is, it will help. In my restorative Yoga class today, the teacher, suggested just sending healing energy out into the world is a wonderful thing to do.

  5. Lovely thoughts, Joan. Let’s not cave in to fear but rise up together in hope. Thank you for spreading this positive message.

  6. Joan Rough says:

    As Emily Dickinson said, “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.” Thanks for your kind words, Kathy.

  7. Thank you for the strength you sent my way, from your spirit to mine.

  8. Love the idea of marching in the neighborhood, Joan. And something that makes just as much difference is constantly sending telephone and postcard messages to legislators. Email is better than nothing but less effective. No crowds and standing involved. Each of us gives what each of us can.

    I echo your other readers above. Your positive energy gives all of us hope.

  9. Many martyrs will be made; standing with gentle hearts in harm’s way; standing fast yet shitting themselves in righteous fear.

    This will be the unarmed cost many of us will make trying to render our world whole again.

    • Joan Rough says:

      Thanks Bro for stopping by. There may be martyrs who come out of this but I truly pray that will not be necessary. And we must turn our fear to hope.

  10. Thanks for walking you walk, Joan. I don’t think there’s any one way to deal with this. There are so many things each of us can do, including making attempts to keep positive communication going with those who support the new administration.

    I’m frightened by what’s happening, but Washington DC and marchers everywhere filled me with hope that we will keep speaking and keep standing up for each other and the earth.

    • Joan Rough says:

      Thanks for coming by, Elaine. I’m frightened too, especially as the days pass and there is little sign that Mr. Trump will change his ways. But I sit with hope and fill my days with joyous things, like watching the birds flitting through the trees in my yard.